I cannot believe that it has been 2 weeks since I took time to blog. What can say, other than TOO MUCH GOING ON....getting Woolies orders done, getting my final exam given and finishing grading for the class I was teaching this semester, trying to catch up around the house after being sick, decorating for Christmas, getting gifts ready, more orders, delivering orders, working my "real job" with lots of deadlines before the holidays.....the list goes on and on. Everyone I know is running around like chickens..pre-holiday crazies.
Ok...the narcissus bulbs that I worried wouldn't grow...well......it looks like a greenhouse around here! The paperwhite narcissus blooms are beautiful, although the smell of them has allowed them to be moved to the dining room behind closed doors. Wow. They are STRONG...and I lived with them in the den for a while, and today decided they needed to get away from my sensitive allergy ridden nose. I can still enjoy them on a less regular basis, plus I have french doors to the dining room and can peer in anytime I want...sniff free. They have been a real joy for someone like me who doesn't have much luck with plants. Instant gratification...I love it!

Last Sunday was spent finishing up gifts for all my friends at work. I made small trees similar to my big Christmas tree wine covers, and sewed buttons on for ornament and then attached the tree to a fleece throw. I had quite an assembly line going for several nights...the throws turned out really cute and all my friends loved them (we exchanged our Christmas gifts this past week!)
Sara Beth comes home for her holiday break this Tuesday! I can't WAIT! We'll be putting up our tree in the den ....and my house will be complete for Christmas...fully decorated and fully inhabited! I love holidays! We're gonna make up for our H1N1 filled Thanksgiving...and do lots of cooking , shopping, visiting with friends and family...all those things that we missed out on a few weeks ago!