Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall Glorious's finally coming!!!

Hello Friends! I. Love. Fall. Period.  It has always been my favorite season...maybe having a November birthday predisposed me to love this season.  I love the colors of Fall.  I love the food of Fall.  I love the temperature of Fall.  I love the clothing of Fall.  It's all so very very crisp and cozy and beautiful!  It has been raining for the past 3 1/2 days, and as of now, the sun is finally shining.  The leaves on my favorite tree, the HUGE sycamore in my backyard are turning.  Is it possible to have a relationship with a tree? Because if it is, me and the sycamore are best buddies. Last night I talked to some friends about hosting a big covered dish in my backyard, under that sycamore and we'll dress her up in lights and lanterns for the occasion.  My screened porch was a work in progress since last October when I had the house painted, and it's finally finished and dressed and I'm enjoying it more than ever.  I just had lunch out there..a perfect Saturday lunch. String cheese wrapped in ham, a sliced apple and a few crackers with roasted red pepper hommus. YUMMMMMM. The bonus of a day like today is the fact that I can keep my kitchen door open and my kitties and Heidi dog can come and go. Took the best pictures of my cats EVER...and must share:

Annie the wild cat...chillin'

These girls love each other!

Lenore says "hey ya'll"

I know I need to be in the studio working.  I know it.  But I also want to be here at my house, putting away the seashells and sailboats and getting ready for FALL!!!  I will get to the studio soon.  Until then, here are some photos from the work I've been doing in the last few weekends...

My new "pocket books"...I'll add a notepad, crayons and a couple of toys in the pockets for a great kid's activity book.
Potholder made especially for a crow lover!

And of course you've seen this before but here's a better shot of it!
More wallets, cupcakes and a drawstring bag named "Fourth of July"
and of course some more flower pins.

So, I'm ready for Fall...are you? Fall might be football season for many of you, but it's WOOLIES season for I better get going! Have a great week!

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