My weekend started off with a big pot of chili and a pan of cornbread and two of my closest friends over to enjoy it with me. Sitting on the screen porch is one of my very favorite things to do with company, and it has just been too blame hot ALL summer to enjoy it. Last night we were able to sit and chat with a nice (although still very humid) fall coolness surrounding us. This morning I had the best surprise when my sister called on her way through town, and realized that she had time for a quick visit. I always love having her here...to catch up with family stuff and to share our newest creative ventures and teaching highs and lows! I shared the last of the coffee that my daughter brought me from Kenya this summer. Jane's visit was a nice start to my Saturday!
Checked the mailbox and another nice surprise: my Martha Stewart Living magazine...I don't consider myself to be a huge Martha groupie or anything like that...but I DO love her magazine!!! The cover of this month's issue couldn't be any prettier or speak any better to my favorite season: Fall. It is a mossy, woodsy vignette with gourds and pumpkins carved and made into mushrooms, a snail and a sassy jack-0-lantern. Absolutely charming. It makes me want to go out and get lots of pumpkins and create a similar scene in my front yard....but....just eyeballing and calculating the cost of pumpkins and gourds these days and the amount used in this picture, I'm not sure I could afford it! For all you pumpkin and gourd growers out there...this is YOUR project!!! There's also a really neat article on cast iron pans, with pictures of all sorts of pans, my favorite being the plain old rectangular cornstick pan - it conjures up memories from childhood of taking my sweet grandmother out to lunch many Sundays in Greenville, NC at Parker's BBQ. Nowhere have I found in "these parts" those scrumptious cornsticks that taste like Parker's. I recently bought a cast iron pan while antiquing...it makes 6 corn-shaped sticks. Now if I could just replicate Parker's recipe!
Another exciting thing happened this week! A while back, I subscribed to the Sew Beautiful online newsletter. (This is the magazine which will feature my Exceptional Woolies in their November/December 2009 issue. ) I opened my email to the newsletter and non-chalantly scrolled down reading about the newest issue...then began reading about the editor's excitement over the next issue....then scrolled a little further and got a HUGE surprise...the first picture is of my wooly wearables on bottles!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it...right there in front of me..sent all the way from Huntsville Alabama to my email box...a picture of my little creations! I can't tell you how exciting that is for me...I still have to pinch myself that I'm going to see a whole spread with pictures of my Woolies! Check out the Sew Beautiful website if you need to know where to purchase the magazine. I've found it locally at Barnes and Noble, Joanne's and Walmart.

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