Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Time is "SPEEDING" by!

My my how time does fly...I have been so incredibly swamped these past few weeks...found it necessary to go car shopping after my car of 8 years and I said our final goodbye when the transmission blew...the second BIG repair in less than one month.....I am now the proud owner of a 2008 Mazda CX-7...ice blue metallic...she is lovely, sleek and fast (I know this, because she completely got away from me coming down the mountain from visiting my daughter...and a trooper helped me realize just how fast I was going! UG.)

I still had a wonderful weekend in the mountains, and enjoyed time with my daughter and with my sister! Had some time in the studio with Jane, and made a few flower pins. Jane always helps me stretch my imagination and creativity, and I came up with a few new design ideas for flowers. I'm incorporating more beading, which takes lots and lots of time, but is worth every minute in the end result...can't wait to show you what I'm working on as soon as I can get some pictures made.

I made a little trip to Michael's tonight to get some more supplies for the big push in the next month to get lots of inventory made for the holiday sales. Pin backs, beads, and some display items for the Holly Days show have me excited for the weekend...I need to crank out the work! As usual, everything always seems to happen at the same time..and I need to get my items to the Alamance County Arts Council for their Holiday Gift Invitational the same week as the Holly Days show. Hope many of you readers can come to the Holly Days show on November 14th (more details will come) and then to the Arts Council between November 21st and January 5th. I'll put more details on both events later...but mark your calendars! Fall is in full swing now...the pumpkins and scarecrows are all around...and Christmas is now on the radar! (Can't imagine why I have radar on the brain!!! ha!) Until next time...be careful out there..and watch your speed!

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