Happy Turkey Day one and all....well...the sore throat on Monday night turned into a cough, fever, aches, fatigue...all the symptoms of the flu...I went to the doctor yesterday morning and she told me that even without the positive swab results, she could take one look at me and know that I had it: H1N1....Dangit...I have been running from that stuff all this Fall...have sanitized my hands until they feel like iguana skin...and tried so hard to be careful. It's just everywhere though...and who knows where I picked it up...but I got a call from Jane this morning, and she's got it too. So..we are both spending Thanksgiving on our respective couches...watching the parades, the football games, and trying to get better. Yesterday was the pits...fever of 101 most of the day...but today so far I am fever free and that makes me feel like dancing around the house...well, not quite. I never finished showing the most beautiful pictures from the Richmond trip...and our trip down
Monument Avenue.
The homes alone are a sight to see...but the monuments are spectacular. I just read that in 2007, Monument Avenue was listed by the American Planning Association as one of the 10 Great Streets in the country. I'm so glad that we took the time to enjoy it on a beautiful Sunday morning.

Our favorite ...Robert E. Lee (our family is related...really.)
Stonewall Jackson
Matthew Fontaine Maury (with a woolen scarf to keep him warm!)
Arthur Ashe's backside...sorry Arthur...couldn't get a good angle with the camera from the front in the moving car! I didn't get photos of J.E.B Stuart or Jefferson Davis...sorry guys. You can read about each monument and see even better photos
here. There is lots of beauty in Richmond..you just have to get off of the interstate to see it!
I have roasted a butternut squash and some friends are bringing by some Thanksgiving goodies to leave on my doorstep (bless them!), so even though I'm home recovering from the dreaded swine...I feel so very blessed...I have a warm couch, easily accessible health care (and a car to drive to get there!)...money for medicine....plenty to eat and the best family and friends in the WORLD. I am very very thankful!
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