Remember that corner of my den that was stacked high with wool sweaters, bits and pieces of thread, lint, fuzz...a sewing machine table piled high with scraps and scissors and buttons and snaps???....wellllll..I did something about that today..and my house is feeling so clean and spacious, and something about that makes me feel centered and balanced and much calmer and happier. Wool and sewing machines are in the studio where they belong and I can see FLOOR! I had a great day today...Sara Beth came home last night for a quick visit to her mom and step-mom who have birthdays 3 days apart! I had a glorious lunch with Sara Beth and her boyfriend, and they helped me get tables back to the church and some of my house in order! My birthday gift this year is very special...a composite that SB put together with pictures and words to describe me and the things I love...she included a field of tobacco, a sewing machine, the Golden Gate Bridge from our trip to San Francisco, Braille, a pot on a cooktop, a kitty that looks EXACTLY like Bob (my 15-year old cat that recently passed away), a cross and a woman holding a child...with words scattered around "mother, inspired, servant, entertain, creator, delightful, travel and strong. I absolutely love it. She also gave me a set of bowls in colors that I love that go with my Fiesta china. I'm pretty much of a bowl fanatic, and like tablecloths and sets of dishes...you can't have too many! I am really blessed to have the greatest daughter in the world...and I always love every minute that I get to spend with her. My house is back to normal and I had a day with Sara Beth...everything is right with the world!
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